Monday, January 6, 2020

Week 13 & 14 - The FINAL countdown

As we approach the finish line of the semester, it's a time to reflect on what we've learned so far and chart our next course. I want to thank you all for your enthusiastic participation and authentic engagement in the course. This was certainly evident in our recent life skills & Equity collaboration. Thanks to Claudia & Kass for organizing a great series of days and event to bring us together. What did you learn through this experience. How were your perceptions or perhaps your fear challenged? What did you enjoy? What did you learn about yourself?

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Only yesterday I came across this Huffington Post article and thought that it raised the concept of ableism in a very real and timely way. Review the article; watch Wendy Lu's video (after watching the brief Call of Duty ad - sorry) and identify some points that resonate with you, perhaps something you hadn't considered because of your own privilege? or something that you've often wondered about that Wendy answers. The article highlights a recent Twitter hashtag #youmightbeableistif; check out some of the tweets; which ones did you connect to and why?

"ableism is ..."Image result for seethe ability in disability

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