Friday, November 29, 2019

Week 11 & 12

Image result for gender based violenceImage result for gender based violenceImage result for indigenous healthcare
Over the last few weeks we have been exposed to some very timely and contemporary social justice topics including; abortion, indigenous health, racial profiling within various social institutions, gender based violence, and gender identity. Choose one of these areas to investigate further. Provide connections to a real-world example or context of how your chosen issue manifests currently in society, by identifying a policy, practice or law that explicitly (whether intentionally or not) discriminates or presents a barrier for your affected group. Consider the various stakeholders and the impacts of the issue, as well as solutions or cases of best practice that we can perhaps draw from.
Image result for abortion lawsImage result for racial profiling OHRCImage result for gilbert centreImage result for genderbread person

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