Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Week 5 & 6

Week 5 & 6
Image result for boyne river es logoImage result for banting mhs logo
Equity Story Time - was such a great opportunity to collaborate with our peers, I know many of you LOVED IT! as did the kids you worked with. You all rose to the occasion and I am so proud of you all for your commitment and enthusiasm. I wonder what you learned from the experience? What were the takeaways for you? This may relate to your topic and your story specifically or the process of sharing with your peers. What is the power of picture books?

Image result for intersectionalityImage result for microaggressions ken tanaka

We are going deeper to develop our understanding of power, privilege as we explore the 'myth of the meritocracy'. More on this in the next few weeks. But first consider and reflect on why it's important to study Microaggressions?

Image result for peggy mcintosh white privilegeImage result for microaggressions ken tanaka

Please share your responses to my questions on Peggy McIntosh's; Unpacking the invisible knapsack, here in this weeks blog entry. Did you come across any other academics who have studied privilege and perhaps provide additional or alternative analysis?
Image result for finger pointing

How does Justin Ford's 'Multi'dimensional' model for understanding privilege further your understanding? How does it contrast with that of Peggy McIntosh? What are your responsibilities in reference to understanding and recognizing your own privilege that you will/need to act on? How does this connect to our notions of allyship? And what is your privilege pledge?

Image result for taking a pledgeRelated image

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